Community Health Education (CHE) Workers
Provides informal outreach, education referral and follow-up, advocacy and home visiting services to residents within a five-block radius of a majority African (African-American) community in Northeast, DC. Dedicated members of the community, including medical students, will provide the services. They create a bridge between providers of health, social and community services and the underserved and hard-to-reach populations within the community. CHE workers are trained to provide basic health education and referrals for a wide range of services. The core roles that Ché Workers will provide are:
Mediation between communities and health & human services systems.
Informal counseling and social support
Providing culturally appropriate health education, i.e., preventative health, exercise, healthy eating habits).
Advocating for a Public healthcare system, with a Public hospital at its core
Assuring people get the services they need
Developing and maintaining a relationship with the family during home visits, which are made weekly.
Ché also represents Ernesto “Ché” Guevara (1928—67), who was a Cuban revolutionary and political leader born in Argentina. Trained as a physician at the University of Buenos Aires, he took part (1952) in riots against the dictator Juan Perón n Argentina, joined agitators in Bolivia, and worked in a leper colony. In 1953 he went to Guatemala, joined the leftist regime of Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, and when Arbenz was overthrown (1954) fled to Mexico, where he met Fidel Castro and other Cuban rebels. Guevara became Castro's chief lieutenant soon after the rebel invasion of Cuba in 1956, in which he proved to be a resourceful guerrilla leader. As president of the national bank after the fall (Jan., 1959) of Fulgencio Batista he was instrumental in cutting Cuba's traditional ties with the United States and in directing the flow of trade to the Communist bloc. He served (1961—65) as minister of industry. At heart a revolutionary rather than an administrator, he left Cuba in 1965 to foster revolutionary activity in the Congo and other countries. In 1967, while involved in a guerrilla movement in Bolivia, he was wounded, captured, and executed by government troops. Guevara wrote Guerrilla Warfare (1961), Man and Socialism in Cuba (1967), Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War (1968), and The African Dream (2001), a forthright account of the failed Congo rebellion.
The Ché Workers is a positive reflection of the People Before Profit Care Project.