Started in January 2006! Discontinued in 2011
Modeled after and inspired by the Cuban Healthcare System, the mission of this project is to elevate ourselves as a people through education and community empowerment by creating a project that will effectively address the healthcare concerns of residents within a five block radius of a majority African (African-American) community in Northeast, DC, using an alternative healthcare model predicated on people not profit.
The host church was Contee AME Zion Church, 903 Division Avenue, NE, Washington, DC, under its former pastor, Rev. Samuel W. Whittaker. The specific blocks in Washington, DC to be served by the project were:
5100-5200 blocks of Hayes Street, NE
5200 block of Karl Place, NE
Division Ave., NE (between Hayes Street & Sheriff Road)
5100 block of Just St., NE
52nd St., NE (between Hayes Street, NE & Just Street, NE)

Contact Us
P.O. Box 60004
Washington, DC 20039
Mail: pbpchp4dc@gmail.com
Audio: https://myspace.com/peopleb4profitdc
To create a pilot project that will improve the health of residents participating in the project (no more than 200 residents) through effective education and organization.
To educate and organize the healthcare professionals, students, churches and the broader community on the Cuban healthcare system and other models outside of the current US healthcare structure.
To provide weekly door-to-door medical assistance/advise to participants.
To educate low-income communities of preventive healthcare measures, including the need for routine physicals.
To organize healthcare professionals, churches and community volunteers to provide case management, advocacy and/or referrals.
To obtain data analysis on the impact of this pilot project on the healthcare of the participants.
To train healthcare professionals, churches and community supporters to begin projects in other states.